Hey fam!
Just giving a quick update on the upcoming season, with new exciting launches, new sticker ideas and hopefully a popup shop before 2022 ends. Working on revamping the site and will post an update with dates where the site will be unreachable due to maintenance.
Brainstorming for this new season, and adding new products to the store, be on the look out for: custom cinch notebooks and planners, Bookmarks, New clothing merch, hoodies & hats, also working on doing sticker packs so you can get more bang for you buck!
Working on a clickable Launch calendar so you guys have access to all the new and exciting things coming up. So glad that since the stores launch I have been able to sell items and hope to up sales before the years end. Thank you for keeping up with my journey and helping build my brand!!
Cheers to the new season and new traditions !!!!